Artworks will be stocked little by little.
I post it on Instagram when it's in stock.

About Glaze & Drawing


Glazes are usually made from a combination of several minerals.
Since gems are also minerals, I thought that gems could also be used as glaze materials.
I have been researching this idea for a long time.
"Rutile Quartz" is a natural gem with beautiful lines in the crystal.
Linear crystal glazes are made using the element of rutile. The most important element is TiO2.
Well-grown crystals cover the pottery as shown below. it's not crack.
When the 1300°C high kiln cools down slowly, point-shaped crystals gradually grow into lines.
The kiln gets old the more it is fired, and the moisture content of the glaze changes little by little as it is used. These small changes have a great effect on linear crystals. So it's a tricky glaze that comes out differently every time I open the kiln.
It's still not easy, but I'm working steadily for those who are looking for new beauty.



The colors painted on the ceramics change dramatically in a high-temperature kilns.
Sometimes the color changes or becomes very saturated. And sometimes the color disappears.
Although there are these problems, I am trying to express the natural color of animals as much as possible with various colors.

Thank you for visiting.